StingerWrapper.jl - Part 3

This post is the third among a series of blog posts describing my experiences while developing StingerWrapper.jl, a Julia interface to the STINGER C package for dynamic graph analysis. I have been working on StingerWrapper along with Dr. James Fairbanks.

StingerWrapper.jl - Part 2

This post is the second among a series of blog posts describing my experiences while developing StingerWrapper.jl, a Julia interface to the STINGER C package for dynamic graph analysis. I have been working on StingerWrapper along with Dr. James Fairbanks.

StingerWrapper.jl - Part 1

This post will be the first among a series of blog posts describing my experiences while developing StingerWrapper.jl, a Julia interface to the STINGER C package for dynamic graph analysis. I have been working on StingerWrapper along with Dr. James Fairbanks.

Hello World!

This is my first ever post on the blog! So I thought I’d write a little on how I set this blog up.