StingerWrapper.jl - Part 3

This post is the third among a series of blog posts describing my experiences while developing StingerWrapper.jl, a Julia interface to the STINGER C package for dynamic graph analysis. I have been working on StingerWrapper along with Dr. James Fairbanks.

In part 1 and part 2, we looked at how we could interact between Julia and C, including methods of loading and storing data between the 2 languages. As explained in part 2, we decided to use a lazy approach to accessing data from C and only load/store the required field instead of the whole object. In this post, we will look at how we can abstract away the unsafe_load and unsafe_store! functions from users and let them use Julia like syntax to access attributes.

Initially, we planned to overload the getfield and setfield functions to make accessors on the Stinger wrapper type, make the calls to unsafe_load and unsafe_store!. This would have let us use the normal Julia a.b syntax to access fields. However, Julia does not allow overloading these core functions yet (JuliaLang/julia#1974). Had this been possible, we could have allowed users to use a workflow like

s = Stinger()
s.max_nv = 100000 #setfield! - Should end up reflecting in C
s.max_nv #getfield! - Reads 100000 from C

Julia does let us overload the getindex and the setindex! functions though. These functions are called when the syntax a[b] or a[b] = 1 are used. Overloading these functions, we can provide users with the ability to access STINGER fields from the Stinger wrapper type using the indexing syntax. Julia language interop packages such as PyCall.jl uses this method to provide syntactic sugar to their users. Following the PyCall implementation, we can let users use Symbols to access the fields.

s = Stinger()
s[:max_nv] = 100000 #setindex! - Should end up reflecting in C
s[:max_nv] #getindex! - Should read latest value from C

Unlike PyCall.jl which has to support generality, we know exactly what fields of the StingerGraph type we need to expose to users. So we declared an Enum using the @enum for all the fields that we need to expose. Leveraging meta-programming made writing the @enum call much easier too :). This allows dispatching on this Enum type (which we named StingerFields) for getindex and setindex! with the following advantages:

function getindex(x::Stinger, field::StingerFields)
    idx = Int(field)
    basepointer = convert(Ptr{fieldtype(StingerGraph, idx)}, x.handle)
    unsafe_load(basepointer, idx)

The type introspection at runtime is required as there are 2 fields in StingerGraph, batch_time and update_time, that are Float64s while all the others fields are Int64s. This introduces a type instability that can cause potential performance bottlenecks. Rather than taking this performance hit to allow for rarely used fields such as batch_time and update_time, we implemented special getter functions for them. We benchmarked both these versions of getindex with the following results for 10000000 samples.

getindex Type minimum time median time mean time maximum time memory estimate
Type unstable 366.00 ns (0.00% GC) 398.00 ns (0.00% GC) 433.29 ns (1.10% GC) 14.44 ms (99.79% GC) 32.00 bytes
Type stable 38.00 ns (0.00% GC) 41.00 ns (0.00% GC) 43.95 ns (0.00% GC) 219.11 μs (0.00% GC) 0.00 bytes

These results show an order of magnitute reduction in latency for these core operations and completely eliminate the need for memory allocation and garbage collection. Finally, the syntax users can use to get or set fields on the Stinger wrapper time is

s = Stinger()

#General field access
s[max_nv] = 100000

#Specialized methods for `batch_time` and `update_time`
s[batch_time] #Error
get_batchtime(s) #Loads the batch time.

We will be working on setting up benchmarks and implementing a BFS implementation in the next week.