


Creates an ambient light tag. Ambient light is applied equally to all objects. The color of the light is set using the color argument.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:351

ambientlight(color::ColorTypes.RGB{FixedPointNumbers.UfixedBase{UInt8, 8}})

Creates an ambient light tag. Ambient light is applied equally to all objects. The color of the light is set using the color argument.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:351

box(w::Float64, h::Float64, d::Float64)

Creates a Box geometry of width w, height h and depth d. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:35

camera(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64)

Creates a camera tag. Perspective camera at position (x,y,z) created. Keyword arguments of near, far,aspect, and fov is accepted.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:266

cylinder(top::Float64, bottom::Float64, height::Float64)

Creates a Cylinder geometry of bottom radius bottom, top radius top and height h. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:60


Creates a Dodecahedron geometry of radius radius. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:82

geometry(vertices::Array{Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}, 1}, faces::Array{Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}, 1})

Creates a geometry. This should be a child of a mesh. Vertices of the geometry are passed in as a vector of Tuples of the coordinates along with faces of the geometry which are again passed in as a vector of Tuples of Int representing the indices of the vertices to be joined.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:141

grid(size::Float64, step::Float64)

Creates a grid element. These should be a child of the scene tag created by initscene. The size represents the total size and the step represents the distance between consecutive lines of the grid.

The grid can be translated and rotated using keyword arguments, x,y,z for the (x, y, z) coordinate and rx, ry and rz as the rotation about the X, Y and Z axes respectively.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:474


Creates a icosahedron geometry of radius radius. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:93


Initiates a three-js scene

source: ThreeJS/src/ThreeJS.jl:17

line(vertices::Array{Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}, 1})

Creates a line tag. Line tags should be a child of the scene tag created by initscene.

Vertices of the line to be drawn should be passed in as a Vector of Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64}. The material to be associated with the line can be set using linematerial which should be a child of the line tag.

A keyword argument, kind is also provided to set how the lines should be drawn. "strip" and "pieces" are the possible values.

The line can be translated and rotated using keyword arguments, x,y,z for the (x, y, z) coordinate and rx, ry and rz as the rotation about the X, Y and Z axes respectively.

Colors for the vertices can be set by passing in a Vector of Color as the vertexcolors kwarg.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:378

line(verticeswithcolor::Array{Tuple{Float64, Float64, Float64, ColorTypes.Color{T, N}}, 1})

Helper function to make creating line easier. Tuples of vertices with their color also as part of the Tuple is expected as the argument.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:416


Creates a line material tag. These tags should be the child of a line tag. Possible properties that can be set are: - kind - "basic" or "dashed" - color - Any CSS color value. - linewidth - Sets the width of the line. - scale - For "dashed" only. Scale of the dash. - dashSize - For "dashed" only. Sets size of the dash. - linecap - Ends of the line. Possible values are "round", "butt", and "square". - linejoin - Appearance of line joins. Possible values are "round", "bevel" and "miter". Refer the ThreeJS docs for LineDashedMaterial and LineBasicMaterial for more details.

These properties should be passed in as a Dict.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:460


Creates a line material tag. These tags should be the child of a line tag. Possible properties that can be set are: - kind - "basic" or "dashed" - color - Any CSS color value. - linewidth - Sets the width of the line. - scale - For "dashed" only. Scale of the dash. - dashSize - For "dashed" only. Sets size of the dash. - linecap - Ends of the line. Possible values are "round", "butt", and "square". - linejoin - Appearance of line joins. Possible values are "round", "bevel" and "miter". Refer the ThreeJS docs for LineDashedMaterial and LineBasicMaterial for more details.

These properties should be passed in as a Dict.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:460


Creates a material tag with properties passed in as a dictionary.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:257

material(props::Dict{K, V})

Creates a material tag with properties passed in as a dictionary.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:257

mesh(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64)

Creates a Three-js mesh at position (x,y,z). Keyword arguments for rotation are available, being rx, ry and rz for rotation about X, Y and Z axes respectively. These are to be specified in degrees. Geometry and Material tags are added as children to this Elem, to render a mesh.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:15

meshlines(slices::Int64, stacks::Int64, xrange::Range{T}, yrange::Range{T}, f::Function)

Creates a mesh plot. Takes x values between xrange divided into slices+1 equal intervals. Takes y values between yrange divided into stacks+1 equal intervals. Applies a function f passed to all such x and y values and creates vertices of coordinates (x,y,z) and a joins them horizontally and vertically, creating a mesh.

Returns an array of line elements which should be under the scene.

A colormap can also be passed to set the vertice colors to a corresponding color using the keyword argument colormap.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:225


Creates a icosahedron geometry of radius radius. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:104


Outer div to keep the three-js tag in.

source: ThreeJS/src/ThreeJS.jl:12


Outer div to keep the three-js tag in.

source: ThreeJS/src/ThreeJS.jl:12

outerdiv(w::AbstractString, h::AbstractString)

Outer div to keep the three-js tag in.

source: ThreeJS/src/ThreeJS.jl:12

parametric(slices::Int64, stacks::Int64, xrange::Range{T}, yrange::Range{T}, f::Function)

Creates a parametric surface. Takes x values between xrange divided into slices+1 equal intervals. Takes y values between yrange divided into stacks+1 equal intervals. Applies a function f passed to all such x and y values and creates vertices of coordinates (x,y,z) and a surface containing these vertices.

A colormap can also be passed to set the vertice colors to a corresponding color using the keyword argument colormap. NOTE: Such colors will be displayed only with a material with colorkind set to "vertex" and color to "white".

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:179

plane(width::Float64, height::Float64)

Creates a plane in the XY plane with specified width and height centered around the origin. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:127

pointlight(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64)

Creates a point light tag. A point light at position (x,y,z) is created. Keyword arguments of color setting the color of the light, intensity and distance for setting the intensity and distance properties are also accepted.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:290

pyramid(b::Float64, h::Float64)

Creates a square base Pyramid geometry of base b and height h. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:51


Creates a Sphere geometry of radius r. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:43

spotlight(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64)

Creates a spot light tag. A spot light at position (x,y,z) is created. Keyword arguments of color setting the color of the light, intensity, distance, angle, exponent, shadow for setting the intensity, distance, angle(in degrees) and exponent properties are also accepted. Shadow is a Bool to set if shadows are enabled or not.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:319


Creates a tetrahedron geometry of radius radius. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:115

torus(radius::Float64, tube::Float64)

Creates a Torus geometry of radius radius and tube radius tube. Should be put in a mesh along with another material Elem to render.

source: ThreeJS/src/render.jl:71